الثلاثاء، 2 أكتوبر 2012

Gold prices Today

Gold prices fell in early trading Today, and the price fell by 24-gram 4.25 pounds, while the price of a gram of 21-carat increased by 3.75 pounds, while the price of 18 carat gram by 3.20 pounds, the pound has dropped about30 pounds of gold.
Caliber Price Pound Gold 2.175 24 mm 311.25 21-carat 272.34 18 carat

Are exceeds platinum prices gold prices

Some analysts expressed specialists metals market during the conference, which was held on Saturday for the platinum industry that platinum prices may exceed gold prices during 2013 under the state of consumption markets of crude markets in the face of limited production coming from South Africa

South Africa is the largest shareholder in the production of platinum as it produces 80% of the supply, but this year has seen many of the disturbances and interruptions special government occupational safety which has reduced its output limit large and rising crude prices significantly

He said, "Jeremy East," a director of the exchange minerals Standard Chartered Bank during the exhibition World Gold held in India it is likely that the major producers to close mines for what is witnessing the rise of labor costs, energy and added that they feel that South Africa is on track to close the mines which would reduce supply

He went East is expected in amid Tasara concerns about the euro zone and stimulus plans that gold prices rise by 5% from current prices, making it up to 1750 dollars per ounce during the year-end

On the other hand has said "Jeffrey Rhodes," a trading manager minerals in "any. NTV. The" for commodities that premium for both gold and platinum will reach $ 200 during the next six months, thanks to growing fears of supply shortages

It is worth mentioning that he has reached the difference between gold and platinum is now $ 144, although he was stabilized for a long time when $ 200 is what some consider is a logical metal hovering around concerns about the quantities shown where assume that this allegedly traded him, making them believe that the prices of platinum on the way Gold prices to overcome


Because of the softness of pure (24k) gold, it is usually alloyed with base metals for use in jewelry, altering its hardness and ductility, melting point, color and other properties. Alloys with lower caratage, typically 22k, 18k, 14k or 10k, contain higher percentages of copper, or other base metals or silver or palladium in the alloy. Copper is the most commonly used base metal, yielding a redder color. [31] Eighteen-carat gold containing 25% copper is found in antique and Russian jewelry and has a distinct, though not dominant, copper cast, creating rose gold. Fourteen-carat gold-copper alloy is nearly identical in color to certain bronze alloys, and both may be used to produce police and other badges. Blue gold can be made by alloying with iron and purple gold can be made by alloying with aluminium,

 although rarely done except in specialized jewelry. Blue gold is more brittle and therefore more difficult to work with when making jewelry. [31] Fourteen and eighteen carat gold alloys with silver alone appear greenish-yellow and are referred to as green gold. White gold alloys can be made with palladium or nickel. White 18-carat gold containing 17.3% nickel, 5.5% zinc and 2.2% copper is silvery in appearance. Nickel is toxic, however, and its release from nickel white gold is controlled by legislation in Europe. [31] Alternative white gold alloys are available based on palladium, silver and other white metals, [31] but the palladium alloys are more expensive than those using nickel. High-carat white gold alloys are far more resistant to corrosion than are either pure silver or sterling silver. The Japanese craft of Mokume-gane exploits the color contrasts between laminated colored gold alloys to produce decorative wood-grain effects.

Trading Account

If the client opens the trading account in the company NordFX customer ZULUTRADE acquire a wonderful opportunity for trading on the trading market
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€ $ 44 currency pairs, gold and silver spread starts from a single point. Leverage 1: 200 Minimum Lott 0.01 maximum
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Stock market

A stock market or equity market is a public entity (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) for the trading of company stock (shares) and derivatives at an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately.

The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $ 36.6 trillion at the beginning of October 2008. [1] The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $ 791 trillion face or nominal value, [2] 11 times the size of the entire world economy. [3] The value of the derivatives market, because it is stated in terms of notional values, cannot be directly compared to a stock or a fixed income security, which traditionally refers to an actual value. Moreover, the vast majority of derivatives 'cancel' each other out (ie, a derivative 'bet' on an event occurring is offset by a comparable derivative 'bet' on the event not occurring). Many such relatively illiquid securities are valued as marked to model, rather than an actual market price.
The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities of a corporation or mutual organization specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of stocks and securities together. The largest stock market in the United States, by market capitalization, is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In Canada, the largest stock market is the Toronto Stock Exchange. Major European examples of stock exchanges include the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Paris Bourse, and the Deutsche Börse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). In Africa, examples include Nigerian Stock Exchange, JSE Limited, etc. Asian examples include the Singapore Exchange, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Bombay Stock Exchange. In Latin America, there are such exchanges as the BM & F Bovespa and the BMV.
Market participants include individual retail investors, institutional investors such as mutual funds, banks, insurance companies and hedge funds, and also publicly traded corporations trading in their own shares. Some studies have suggested that institutional investors and corporations trading in their own shares generally receive higher risk-adjusted returns than retail investors

Excludes homes where angels and why ...??

Small pond and self instability and volatility of materialism and wear devil. Reasons include: distance from God, the abandonment of the angels of our homes, demons solutions instead ......... 1 House boycotted the uterus. 2 House eat the wealth of the orphan. 3 house where there is a dog. 4 House of much insults such as insulting the companions and the dead and the devil ever and the wind and the rooster, disease and public insults. 5 unsung House without mention God. 6

 House rises voice Naúhh. 7 House in God and involve the attached Baltmaúm and commits the magic. 8 House where taboos such as the use of vessels of gold. 9 House where unpleasant odors such as the smell of garlic and onions, drugs and smoking. 10 house owners insist on sin. 11 House commits a sin. 12 House disobeys his parents. 13 eaten House on usury. 14 House where the boards of the devil: the councils that does not mention God _ councils  where the Prophet, peace be upon him ...... 15 House where a picture or statue. 16 House where he drank alcohol. 17 Pitt plays the dice. 18 house of the damned: Radi and bribed them _ changers for God's creation _ those who do not pray ... 19 House lavish and extravagant: the multiplication of furniture, mattresses unnecessary .... 20 House commits it outrageous. 21 leaving the house washing the bathroom the O to Atjal our homes of them and make them pure usury, hypocrisy, fraud and hypocrisy and musty arguments and make its renewed Bzkirk air faces clean Babadtk and closer to you

Pharaonic described fueled hair and shine and smoothness and lack of precipitation (personal experience)

Recipe is a set certain proportions oils when I bought it to
Attar was almost 7 or 8 pounds landed La Jolla continued Achtrhaly
Means the price at Mntaul Allied

30 grams of olive oil
Castor oil 20 g
15 grams arugula oil
Coconut oil 15 grams
Nigella sativa oil 15 grams
Chamomile oil 5 grams
15 grams sesame oil
Almond oil 15 grams
Way placed once daily in the evening and rinse hair in morning Besbonh natural Moroccan soap or soap contains natural oils and herbs
This is done by oil bath twice a week

Honey and glycerin for healthy skin

Provides expert cosmetic Hind Mohammed, ways to maintain the health and beauty skin girls in the night, says the girl first to follow a diet intact with intake of water equivalent to 3 liters per day in the period breakfast, in addition to not eating HUGE meals for breakfast and try breedingof vegetables and fruit and in the case of fatty meals prefer sipping soup before him.

She adds, that the month of Ramadan in the summer should girls eating large amounts of juice until you compensate their lost during the fasting period, in addition to the use of moisturizers skin, and mask to help moisturize the skin, which can be prepared at home by mixing a spoonful of honey means and two tablespoonsof olive oil and one teaspoon sesame oil and one teaspoon almond oil and other glycerin, and we use every day in order to keep dry skin

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ star of aski memnu announce his conversion to Islam!!

News and publicity images Muhannad series star of aski memnu Islam

Appeared in a recent set of pictures Muhannad he prayed

Or with a group of Muslims and these images

This picture is shown in prayer with a group of Amusliman

As you can see with your own eyes and standing in row

؟؟Do you really Muhannad embraced Islam

Or rumor like a rumor of his death

Photos of Tamer Hosny and basma before and after marriage

New rumor about Tamer Hosny after his marriage

Websites and published newspapers Alvsra after his marriage of Basma news death Tamer Hosni

What tabloid newspapers became attacking Tamer Hosni this is what we detect you exclusively on a blog about the world coming soon!!

ALCI Chico Students Celebrate 125 Years of Service

This year we are celebrating Chico State's 125th anniversary! The campus hosted an Open House 125 Expo 

last semester, where Willie the Wildcat visited our ALCI Chico students who were generously greeting
University visitors and alumni. As an international symbol of friendship, they printed custom names on
bookmarks in Korean, Punjabi, Hindi, Arabic and Chinese to the delight of many children and guests. They
are Wildcats

ALCI Students Enjoy One of California's Best Theme Parks

Our ALCI Chico students and staff counselors recently visited one of California's favorite thrill parks, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, in Vallejo. One of the thrills was riding the V2, a 

vertical velocity ride, that tests even the most experienced rider. Come to California, learn English and enjoy one of the best theme parks in the country

All broken up: new coalitions form as old electoral alliances die out

Freedom and Justice Party is looking to build coalition ties with other parties
AFP Photo
Although new parliamentary elections have not been scheduled yet, political parties are scrambling to form electoral alliances in a bid to get the most seats possible and increase their share from the last parliament.

The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party will not be running under its Democratic Alliance for Egypt that included liberal and leftist parties and contested the 2011 elections.

The Alliance is all but gone due to the new political realities in Egypt. It was composed of the FJP which dominated its lists, alongside the Nasserist Karama Party, led by former presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi, the liberal Ghad Al-Thawra lead by former presidential candidate Ayman Nour, as well as the moderate Islamist Civilisation Party.

Sabahi and Nour both ran in presidential elections against the Brotherhood's candidate and Sabahi is now seen as a leader of the "third current" that opposes both the former regime and the Brotherhood. Their parties are unlikely to ally with the Brotherhood again.

The Civilisation Party will also not ally with the Brotherhood, preferring to join a more moderate Islamist coalition led by the Wasat Party and former presidential candidate Abdel-Moniem Aboul-Fotouh.

The FJP will instead focus on allying with more Islamist parties, although it will also talk to parties from outside that current.

FJP media officer Ahmed Rabie told the Daily News Egypt that talk of electoral aliances was too early and has not been discussed within the party yet. He did, however, say that the presidential elections revealed a new political compass that would shape any alliances in the future.

The Salafist Nour Party has refuted rumours that it would not join an alliance led by the FJP.

The party is disappointed with the FJP for not keeping many of its promises, specifically the amount of cabinet seats offered to the Nour Party, even though the party backed President Mohamed Morsy, the FJP nominee, in the second round of the presidential race, but party spokesperson Yousry Hammad told the Daily News Egypt that would not stop the party from allying with the FJP.

"We have our opinion regarding the formation of the cabinet which we have made public, but that does not mean we cannot cooperate with the FJP on other matters," he said.

"The party has a certain ideology and as such is not opposed to forming electoral alliances with others as long as they share that ideology," he added.

According to Hammad, the issue of electoral alliances of parliamentary elections in general had not been discussed within the party's high board yet as it was too early.

The party, which led a coalition of conservative Islamist parties in the last election, is in fact more likely to contest the upcoming vote on its own according to statements made by party leader Younes Mekhion to the state-owned Akhbar Al-Youm newspaper on Saturday .

Hammad refused to rule out the idea of ​​electoral alliances, however.

In opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist parties last year was the Egyptian Bloc, a coalition of liberal and leftist parties that formed the largest opposition front inside parliament despite not having a large number of seats.

It was formed of the liberal Free Egyptian Party, which is concerned with economic liberalism; the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, which adopts a socially liberal, economically leftist, ideology; and the left wing National Progressive Unionist Party (Taggamu) Party.

The ESDP has since left the bloc, citing that it found the other members to be more concerned with the secularist-Islamist divide and less with the former regime-revolution one which led it to support former regime officials over Islamists.

There are however parties and groups that are not divided alongside secular-Islamist lines, preferring to bridge the gap between both directions.

The "Moderate Current Coalition" is composed of the moderate Islamist Wasat Party, former moderate Islamist presidential candidate Abdel-Moniem, Aboul-Fotouh's new Strong Egypt Party, the Egyptian Current Party which was formed by dissatisfied revolutionary youth who left the Muslim Brotherhood, the moderate Islamist Civilisation Party, the centrist Justice Party as well as the April 6 Youth and Masrina movements.

The coalition is not just an electoral alliance, however, but rather is a political one according to Wasat spokesperson Amr Farouk.

"We have formed a political alliance because electoral alliances usually don't last as we have seen. The Nasserist Karama Party and the Muslim Brotherhood allied for example even though they have opposing ideologies, "Farouk told the Daily News Egypt.

He added that the Moderate Current Coalition was built on the basis of a political vision and not elections, and that it aimed to break the polarisation currently present on the political scene with the Muslim Brotherhood and more radical Islamists on one side and liberals and leftists on the other.

"Both choices do not represent the Egyptian people who are moderate, but in the previous elections all the moderate parties with the exception of Wasat were unknown which is why the results were so polarised," he said.

The coalition aims to build political research centres and start awareness campaigns and development projects, not just contest elections, according to Farouk.

Members of the parties making up the coalition met on Saturday to draft a document stating the goals of the coalition, to be presented to all the parties on Monday.

But with the April 6 movement and the Egyptian Current Party both joining the coalition, there seems to be no alliances built on a revolutionary platform.

In the last elections revolutionary youth were represented by an unlikely alliance of Islamist, liberal and leftist parties and groups. The alliance, "The Revolution Continues" was able to maintain its unity but failed to garner more than two percent of the vote.

It was composed of the Coalition of Revolutionary Youth, which has since been disbanded, the Egyptian Current Party which has now joined the moderate coalition, the liberal Egypt Freedom Party led by former MP Amr Hamzawy, as well as the Socialist Popular Alliance Party and the Egyptian Socialist Party. The SPAP and the ESP have decided to merge into one socialist party.

These developments mean that most of the participants in the "Revolution Continues" alliance have either moved on to other coalitions or ceased to exist altogether, meaning the alliance is over.

Hope is not lost for revolutionary parties, however. The newly formed Dostour (constitution) Party led by Nobel laureate Mohamed El-Baradei says it aims to be a catch-all "big tent" party that serves to gather revolutionary youth from across the political spectrum. The party membership includes many prominent liberal, leftists and even Salafist figures.

The Egyptian Social Democratic Party is even now looking to join Dostour, either in a coalition or a full merger.
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HSBC, Credit Suisse Sacrifice Staff To Placate US, Lawyers Say

Swiss banks are turning over thousands of employee names to US authorities as they seek leniency for their alleged role in helping American clients evade taxes, according to lawyers representing banking staff. At least five banks supplied e-mails and telephone records containing as many as 10,000 names to the US Department of Justice, according to estimates by Douglas Hornung, a Geneva-based lawyer representing 40 current and former employees of HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) ' s Swiss unit, Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN) and Julius Baer Group Ltd. (BAER) The data handover is illegal, said Alec Reymond, a former president of the Geneva Bar Association, who is representing two Credit Suisse staff. "The banks are burning their own people to try and cut deals with the DoJ," said Hornung. "This violation of personal privacy is unprecedented in the Swiss banking industry." Swiss banks want to settle a US tax-evasion probe after the DoJ indicted Wegelin & Co. on Feb. 2 for allegedly helping customers hide money from the Internal Revenue Service. Credit Suisse, HSBC and Julius Baer, ​​which have said they expect to pay fines to resolve the tax matter, are handing over data to mollify the US, according to Hornung. Credit Suisse said the Swiss government authorized the delivery of staff names and that the "large majority" of employees have nothing to fear. Julius Baer and Zuercher Kantonalbank also said they received authorization. HSBC said it has delivered documents and is cooperating with the US Cold-Blooded Swiss banks, the biggest managers of offshore wealth, have seen secrecy erode since UBS AG (UBSN) admitted in 2009 to fostering tax evasion and paid a fine of $ 780 million to avoid prosecution. Switzerland's largest wealth manager later turned over data on about 4,700 accounts to the IRS. While Swiss companies are usually prohibited from sending evidence to assist foreign legal proceedings, the country's governing Federal Council authorized an exemption in April at the request of an undisclosed number of banks.

الاثنين، 1 أكتوبر 2012

Google galaxy Nexus Handouts, commercial ad

amazing commercial ad s usual from Google about hangout on Google Galaxy Nexus, and how specific using
that tool in a good way. One of our global spots for the Google Galaxy Nexus mobile device. This one features the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody and promotes the Google Hangouts featur ...

Gold prices Today

Gold prices fell in early trading Today, and the price fell by 24-gram 4.25 pounds, while the price of a gram of 21-carat increased by 3.75 pounds, while the price of 18 carat gram by 3.20 pounds, the pound has dropped about30 pounds of gold.
Caliber Price Pound Gold 2.175 24 mm 311.25 21-carat 272.34 18 carat

The wisdom of prayer Rkaaatn wedding night

Do you know what Haya wisdom Valrkaatin the wedding night!!! After the wedding went couple and two at the top of happiness to the hotel to spend the wedding night there, and once you enter the bride and groom to the room changed features bride and appeared under extreme distress and is still wearing a wedding dress and took bring antiques and sculptures aesthetic that filled the room to receive them at the top of her groom, who stop amazed at the position. While trying to calm his wife groom affected by the frenzy fully without the benefit taken to the nearest hospital examined by a psychiatrist. Once the doctor saw the bride stunned

appearance is in a wedding dress and full adornments and suffering from severe agitation, and the groom to the doctor confirmed that he did not do anything with his bride, but not caused from the ground up. After the doctor settled the bride began to examine them to discover that she was suffering from an increase in the electrical charges in the brain led to the feeling that the walls are applied, prompting it to try to do anything in order to increase the size of the room and get rid of existing models aesthetic. The doctor explained to the husband that this situation resulting from the entry of the bride a new experience, an experience of marriage that led to the disposal of this form. When I read the content topic for agitation bride on her wedding night because shipments and remembered Conversely years almost died and disappeared a praying husband and the husband the night of their wedding Rkiaan when they entered their room and when linked things together proved a miracle of miracles of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is that shipments excess go Once prostrate and this treatment Rabbani God inspired him to our beloved peace be upon him and thus advised the Prophet peace be upon him every couple perform rak'ahs which are of great merit and demonstrated great wisdom of mustahabb performance these two rak'ahs which soften the grace of God of tension and sends tranquility in the hearts and soothes the body and increase the vigor and add them pond Glory to God Most High, the mastermind it