الثلاثاء، 2 أكتوبر 2012

Are exceeds platinum prices gold prices

Some analysts expressed specialists metals market during the conference, which was held on Saturday for the platinum industry that platinum prices may exceed gold prices during 2013 under the state of consumption markets of crude markets in the face of limited production coming from South Africa

South Africa is the largest shareholder in the production of platinum as it produces 80% of the supply, but this year has seen many of the disturbances and interruptions special government occupational safety which has reduced its output limit large and rising crude prices significantly

He said, "Jeremy East," a director of the exchange minerals Standard Chartered Bank during the exhibition World Gold held in India it is likely that the major producers to close mines for what is witnessing the rise of labor costs, energy and added that they feel that South Africa is on track to close the mines which would reduce supply

He went East is expected in amid Tasara concerns about the euro zone and stimulus plans that gold prices rise by 5% from current prices, making it up to 1750 dollars per ounce during the year-end

On the other hand has said "Jeffrey Rhodes," a trading manager minerals in "any. NTV. The" for commodities that premium for both gold and platinum will reach $ 200 during the next six months, thanks to growing fears of supply shortages

It is worth mentioning that he has reached the difference between gold and platinum is now $ 144, although he was stabilized for a long time when $ 200 is what some consider is a logical metal hovering around concerns about the quantities shown where assume that this allegedly traded him, making them believe that the prices of platinum on the way Gold prices to overcome

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